
This module provides a RESTful API with JSON:API responses to queries against a Wn database. This API implements the primary queries of the Python API (see Primary Queries). For instance, to search all words in the ewn:2020 lexicon with the form jet and part-of-speech v, we can perform the following query:


This query would return the following response:

  "data": [
      "id": "ewn-jet-v",
      "type": "word",
      "attributes": {
        "pos": "v",
        "lemma": "jet",
        "forms": ["jet", "jetted", "jetting"]
      "links": {
        "self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words/ewn-jet-v"
      "relationships": {
        "senses": {
          "links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words/ewn-jet-v/senses"}
        "synsets": {
          "data": [
            {"type": "synset", "id": "ewn-01518922-v"},
            {"type": "synset", "id": "ewn-01946093-v"}
        "lexicon": {
          "links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020"}
      "included": [
          "id": "ewn-01518922-v",
          "type": "synset",
          "attributes": {"pos": "v", "ili": "i29306"},
          "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-01518922-v"}
          "id": "ewn-01946093-v",
          "type": "synset",
          "attributes": {"pos": "v", "ili": "i31432"},
          "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-01946093-v"}
  "meta": {"total": 1}

Currently, only GET requests are handled.

Installing Dependencies

By default, Wn does not install the requirements needed for this module. Install them with the [web] extra:

$ pip install wn[web]

Running and Deploying the Server

This module does not provide an ASGI server, so one will need to be installed and ran separately. Any ASGI-compliant server should work.

For example, the Uvicorn server may be used directly for local development, optionally with the --reload option for hot reloading:

$ uvicorn --reload wn.web:app

For production, see Uvicorn's documentation about deployment.

Requests: API Endpoints

The module provides the following endpoints:




List words in all available lexicons


List senses in all available lexicons


List synsets in all available lexicons


List available lexicons


Get lexicon with specifier :lex


List words for lexicon with specifier :lex


List senses for word :id in lexicon :lex


Get word with ID :id in lexicon :lex


List senses for lexicon with specifier :lex


Get sense with ID :id in lexicon :lex


List synsets for lexicon with specifier :lex


Get synset with ID :id in lexicon :lex


Get member senses for synset :id in lexicon :lex

Requests: Query Parameters


Specifies the language in BCP 47 of the lexicon(s) from which results are returned.



Valid for:



Specifies the word form of the objects that are returned.



Valid for:



Specifies the part-of-speech of the objects that are returned. Valid values are given in Parts of Speech.



Valid for:



Specifies the interlingual index of a synset.



Valid for:


page[offset] and page[limit]

Used for pagination: page[offset] specifies the starting index of a set of results, and page[limit] specifies how many results from the offset will be returned.



Valid for:



Responses are JSON data following the JSON:API specification. A full description of JSON:API is left to the linked specification, but a brief walkthrough is provided here. First, the top-level structure of "to-one" responses (e.g., getting a single synset) is:

  "data": { ... },  // primary response data as a JSON object
  "meta": { ... }   // metadata for the response

For "to-many" responses (e.g., getting a list of matching synsets), it is the same as above except the data key maps to an array and it includes pagination links:

  "data": [{ ... }, ...],  // primary response data as an array of objects
  "links": { ... },        // pagination links
  "meta": { ... }          // metadata; e.g., total number of results

Each JSON:API resource object (the primary data given by the data key) has the following structure:

  "id": "...",               // Lexicon specifier or entity ID
  "type": "...",             // "lexicon", "word", "sense", or "synset"
  "attributes": { ... },     // Basic resource information
  "links": { "self": ... },  // URL for this specific resource
  "relationships": { ... },  // Word senses, synset members, other relations
  "included": [ ... ],       // Data for related resources


  "id": "ewn:2020",
  "type": "lexicon",
  "attributes": {
    "version": "2020",
    "label": "English WordNet",
    "language": "en",
    "license": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"
  "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020"},
  "relationships": {
    "words": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words"}},
    "synsets": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets"}},
    "senses": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/senses"}}


  "id": "ewn-brick-v",
  "type": "word",
  "attributes": {"pos": "v", "lemma": "brick", "forms": ["brick"]},
  "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words/ewn-brick-v"},
  "relationships": {
    "senses": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words/ewn-brick-v/senses"}},
    "synsets": {"data": [{"type": "synset", "id": "ewn-90011761-v"}]},
    "lexicon": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020"}}
  "included": [
      "id": "ewn-90011761-v",
      "type": "synset",
      "attributes": {"pos": "v", "ili": null},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-90011761-v"}


  "id": "ewn-explain-v-00941308-01",
  "type": "sense",
  "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/senses/ewn-explain-v-00941308-01"},
  "relationships": {
    "word": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words/ewn-explain-v"}},
    "synset": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-00941308-v"}},
    "lexicon": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020"}},
    "derivation": {
      "data": [
        {"type": "sense", "id": "ewn-explanatory-s-01327635-01"},
        {"type": "sense", "id": "ewn-explanation-n-07247081-01"}
  "included": [
      "id": "ewn-explanatory-s-01327635-01",
      "type": "sense",
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/senses/ewn-explanatory-s-01327635-01"}
      "id": "ewn-explanation-n-07247081-01",
      "type": "sense",
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/senses/ewn-explanation-n-07247081-01"}


  "id": "ewn-03204585-n",
  "type": "synset",
  "attributes": {"pos": "n", "ili": "i52917"},
  "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-03204585-n"},
  "relationships": {
    "members": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-03204585-n/members"}},
    "words": {
      "data": [
        {"type": "word", "id": "ewn-dory-n"},
        {"type": "word", "id": "ewn-rowboat-n"},
        {"type": "word", "id": "ewn-dinghy-n"}
    "lexicon": {"links": {"related": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020"}},
    "hypernym": {"data": [{"type": "synset", "id": "ewn-04252125-n"}]},
    "mero_part": {
      "data": [
        {"type": "synset", "id": "ewn-03911849-n"},
        {"type": "synset", "id": "ewn-04439177-n"}
    "hyponym": {
      "data": [
        {"type": "synset", "id": "ewn-04122550-n"},
        {"type": "synset", "id": "ewn-04584425-n"}
  "included": [
      "id": "ewn-dory-n",
      "type": "word",
      "attributes": {"pos": "n", "lemma": "dory", "forms": ["dory"]},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words/ewn-dory-n"}
      "id": "ewn-rowboat-n",
      "type": "word",
      "attributes": {"pos": "n", "lemma": "rowboat", "forms": ["rowboat"]},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words/ewn-rowboat-n"}
      "id": "ewn-dinghy-n",
      "type": "word",
      "attributes": {"pos": "n", "lemma": "dinghy", "forms": ["dinghy"]},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/words/ewn-dinghy-n"}
      "id": "ewn-04252125-n",
      "type": "synset",
      "attributes": {"pos": "n", "ili": "i59107"},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-04252125-n"}
      "id": "ewn-03911849-n",
      "type": "synset",
      "attributes": {"pos": "n", "ili": "i57094"},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-03911849-n"}
      "id": "ewn-04439177-n",
      "type": "synset",
      "attributes": {"pos": "n", "ili": "i60240"},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-04439177-n"}
      "id": "ewn-04122550-n",
      "type": "synset",
      "attributes": {"pos": "n", "ili": "i58319"},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-04122550-n"}
      "id": "ewn-04584425-n",
      "type": "synset",
      "attributes": {"pos": "n", "ili": "i61103"},
      "links": {"self": "http://example.com/lexicons/ewn:2020/synsets/ewn-04584425-n"}